Project Summary

Here we look at some of the projects which Done by KRA
KRA has the well qualified staff to work and carry this type of projects in any place of Afghanistan.


No Tittle Location Donor Start Date End Date
1 Women Economic Independence through Sewing Kabul UNDP/NCCSP 2023-12-12 2024-06-30
2 Supplying of Label for certified sapling and conduction Trainings to (NGAs) North and North East Zone ANNGO 2021-10-10 2021-12-31
3 Nurseries establishment for promotion of new Grapes and Almond verities. North and North East Zone ANNGO 2021-02-15 2021-12-31
4 Inspection and production of certified Saplings. North and North East zone ANNGO 2020-02-01 2020-12-31
5 Establishment of 300 Large Green House (EDP-01A) Nangahar DIFID-UK 2012-02-01 2016-01-31
6 Fiber Glass Green House. Kabul USAID/AWATT 2010-11-01 2011-06-30
7 Establishment of 500 Green House Farah USAID/ARD 2010-01-01 2010-12-01
8 Establishment of115 Greenhouse Maidan Wardak USAID/CNTF 2008-10-01 2009-10-01
9 Establishment of 1050 Orchards Panjshir USAID/CNTF 2008-03-01 2009-03-01
10 Fruit and Forest Nurseries Takhar and Baghlan WFP/Badakhshan 2005-03-01 2006-08-31
11 Watershed Management Kunduz,Takhar ,Baghlan USAID/PRT 2004-06-01 2006-06-01
12 Wheat Credit Collection Kunduz,Takhar ,Baghlan USAID/IFDC/ICARDA 2004-06-01 2004-11-30
13 Improved Wheat Seed Supply Bamian, Parwan ,Kabul EuronAid-Germany 2003-11-01 2003-12-01
14 Rice USG and Test Pilot Research Takhar,Kunduz ,Baghlan USAID/IFDC/ICARDA 2003-07-01 2003-12-01
15 Improved Potato Seed Supply Bamyan,Takhar,Jawzjan EuronAid-Germany 2004-03-01 2004-04-01
16 Improved Barley seed Supply Takhar, Kunduz EuronAid-Germany 2004-02-01 2004-02-01
17 Mung bean extension Program Takhar,Kunduz, Baghlan USAID/ICARDA/IFDC 2003-06-01 2003-08-01
18 Germplasm Collection Research Kunduz and Takhar USAID/IDRC/ICARDA 2003-06-01 2003-07-01