About Us

Kunduz Rehabilitation Agency (KRA) an NGO established in 1995 as an off shoot of Afghanaid international UK NGO in Kunduz city of Kunduz Province, believes in working with people, down trodden, disadvantaged, vulnerable groups to motivate people’s Action to work towards their development.


From the inception, had self-confidence to implement the projects with consistent efforts to achieve project results and the target group moving towards “sustainability”. KRA, worked from the past years, till now by adopting different strategies based on the problem intensity planning for program implementation with specific TOR for each project, and adopted effective monitoring and evaluation systems to reach the target group for their Empowerment and to make them self-reliant and self-sufficient, For empowerment in all the aspects in development process, based on the needs of the deprived sections of the community, implemented, implementing different projects for the benefit of the poor to develop their abilities and capacities to help each other at times of difficult situations.

KRA is maintaining good staff and management capabilities for many years now and many of its staff has been trained for Agriculture Development and environmental activities. by many well respected consulting organizations that involved capacity building as well as implemented their skills in the site in a unique manner. Management provided scope for the staff in building their capacities for enhancing their skills, working in different specialization services, and attended different training programs in RAMP Rural Road Designing, ICARDA Agricultural Development Strategies, DFID alternative livelihood program, ANCB NGO management, and ODCI organizational Development. Management presented abstracts on issues, in National and International conference, workshops, seminars and symposiums. With the changing scenario, in persistent with the change the work areas are extended, staffs with different capacities were recruited for effective implementation of programs to achieve desired results.


  • Trained professional in Agricultural activities and project management
  • Protect Agriculture Technology(PAT)
  • Survey and supervision
  • Training and transfer of technology
  • Computer facilities and equipment

tasks and ongoing projects :

  • Word Processing system
  • Computer Center utilized with Intel Latest processors
  • Digital Camera with panorama mode and Video recorders
  • Integrated Satellite Phones
  • GPS reading Systems

Board of Directors

Assadullah Zeyar
Assadullah Zeyar




Abdul Mateen Firoz
Abdul Mateen Firoz


Zikrullah Husaini
Zikrullah Husaini


Eng.Nabiullah Alkozai
Eng.Nabiullah Alkozai


Dr. Munisa Sherzada Hassan
Dr. Munisa Sherzada Hassan

Vice Chair

Nasima Wafa
Nasima Wafa

Board Member

Dr. Patoni
Dr. Patoni

Board Member


  • Referral Services
  • Service Delivery
  • Community Mobilization
  • Rural Rehabilitation Dept.
  • Social Development
  • Environmental Conservation
  • Survey and Supervision on sites
  • Irrigation and Water Management
  • Planning
  • Management
  • Monitoring
  • Evaluation