About Us

Kunduz Rehabilitation Agency

Kunduz Rehabilitation Agency (KRA) an NGO established in 1995 as an off shoot of Afghanaid international UK NGO in Kunduz city of Kunduz Province, believes in working with people, down trodden, disadvantaged, vulnerable groups to motivate people’s Action to work towards their development.

Development is multi-dimensional. Development process includes physical, social and economic, Therefore, KRA has been practicing and Integrated model of Development with holistic approach, working with different target groups for the development of the Poor, Vulnerable, the handicapped, disadvantaged men, women and children.

More About Us
Kunduz Rehabilitation Agency

Our Activities

KRA has the well qualified staff to work and carry this type of
projects in any place of Afghanistan.


Green House

Protected Agriculture Technology (PAT) as its name describes has been a mystery in Afghanistan it was implemented by KRA in Nangarhar

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Watershed Management

Ali Abad District of Kunduz, Baghlan Center (Pozai Shan) and Taloqan (Khatayan) Districts are located in south east of Afghanistan with the population Approx.

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Storage facility construction

Good rainfall and the use of improved seeds and fertilizer in the Provinces of Afghanistan have increased quantity of wheat produced this season to a recent record.

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Our Projects

No Tittle Location Donor Start Date End Date
1 Women Economic Independence through Sewing Kabul UNDP/NCCSP 2023-12-12 2024-06-30
2 Supplying of Label for certified sapling and conduction Trainings to (NGAs) North and North East Zone ANNGO 2021-10-10 2021-12-31
3 Nurseries establishment for promotion of new Grapes and Almond verities. North and North East Zone ANNGO 2021-02-15 2021-12-31
4 Inspection and production of certified Saplings. North and North East zone ANNGO 2020-02-01 2020-12-31
5 Establishment of 300 Large Green House (EDP-01A) Nangahar DIFID-UK 2012-02-01 2016-01-31
6 Fiber Glass Green House. Kabul USAID/AWATT 2010-11-01 2011-06-30
7 Establishment of 500 Green House Farah USAID/ARD 2010-01-01 2010-12-01
8 Establishment of115 Greenhouse Maidan Wardak USAID/CNTF 2008-10-01 2009-10-01
9 Establishment of 1050 Orchards Panjshir USAID/CNTF 2008-03-01 2009-03-01
10 Fruit and Forest Nurseries Takhar and Baghlan WFP/Badakhshan 2005-03-01 2006-08-31
11 Watershed Management Kunduz,Takhar ,Baghlan USAID/PRT 2004-06-01 2006-06-01
12 Wheat Credit Collection Kunduz,Takhar ,Baghlan USAID/IFDC/ICARDA 2004-06-01 2004-11-30
13 Improved Wheat Seed Supply Bamian, Parwan ,Kabul EuronAid-Germany 2003-11-01 2003-12-01
14 Rice USG and Test Pilot Research Takhar,Kunduz ,Baghlan USAID/IFDC/ICARDA 2003-07-01 2003-12-01
15 Improved Potato Seed Supply Bamyan,Takhar,Jawzjan EuronAid-Germany 2004-03-01 2004-04-01


Experience in

    1. Agricultural Development
    2. Urban Infrastructure
    3. Irrigation and Water Management
    4. Environment Conservation
    1. Management Committee
    2. Staff / Personnel
    3. Development Committee Members
    1. To Identify, rapport, referral and supportive services
    2. For networking / linkages
    3. Technical services
    4. Resources Mobilization
    1. Management
    2. Social Development
    3. University/Educational Departments
    4. Identification of Social Development Issues
  • The institutions visited are as follows

    USAID (United States Agency for International Development)
    WFP(World Food Program)
    WHO (World Health Organization)
    European Commission
    UNDP(united Nations Development Programme)
    IOM (international organization for migration)
    ICARDA (International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Area)
    UNAMA (United Nations Assistance mission for Afghanistan)
    WFP(World Food Program)
    Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)